Saturday, March 26, 2011

Texas and a Wedding

Ben's friend Brian is getting Married, so of course we're going to pile a 2 1/2 yr old, a 2 month old and all their stuff in a car and drive to Texas.

The trip there and back actually went really well. Both girls traveled well. Maya eat, slept and pooped just as she would have at home (2 month old's don't do too much yet). Morgan got creative with the limited space she had. And when we'd hit the point of complete boredom we would pull out the DVD player. I think that her favorite part of the trip (there and back) was stopping at hotels and running around the room like a crazy kid. Her energy had to go somewhere.

Once in Texas we stayed in a beach house with several other friends. Morgan had a blast being the only kid there and I enjoyed giving my arms a break as everyone held Maya. Morgan also found a new favorite pass time as she covered her self in muddy sand attempting to build sand castles.

The Wedding (and reason for this trip) was so fun. Morgan spent most of the time on the dance floor. Even when no one else seemed to be dancing, there was Morgan! We had to force her to sit down to eat dinner (she did come willingly for cake though). And Ben had to restrain her during the first dance and the father daughter dance etc. She didn't quite understand why she couldn't be out there with them.
She was, also, very obsessed with the bride, or as she called her, "the lady in the white dress with flowers."
During the toast Morgan was given some orange juice so she could join in. She thought that was the coolest thing (aside from cake and dancing with the Bride).
Maya spent most of the wedding sleeping in her car seat. oh the blessed age where they can sleep threw anything! I don't think we took advantage of Morgan being that age like we are with Maya. It is nice having one who stays right where you put her.

Oh what fun!! we are officially labeled crazy by most of our friends for driving to TX with the little ones but I would do it again! :) Maybe stay a whole week though...
Congratulations to Brian and (as Morgan would say), "his lady in the white dress."

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Care Bears

Morgan has given us all fun care bear names. She is Funshine, Ben is Sleepy, Maya is Oopsy, and that leaves Me as ... yes, you got it... Grumpy. (Not sure where she got grumpy from, couldn't be the lack of sleep that comes with a new born)
One day while she was playing we were all care bears I decided to make us all belly badges (the pictures on their bellies). It was rather easy, just drew some pictures cut out circles and used some tape and presto endless hrs of fun.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Tale of two Doggies

We recently noticed that Morgan's all time favorite doggie was getting holes in several places.
She takes doggie with her everywhere when she can. She hasn't been to bed without doggie since she was about 6 months old maybe younger. He has traveled with us everywhere, and even managed to survive a few camping trips. So I have been searching for a while to find a second doggie just in case something were to happen... well I found one!
Yes that's the same doggie! same brand same make and model... but one very loved and one bran new.
Morgan took a look at the new doggie as she pulled it out of the box. She then looked at me handing me the new doggie and said, "I think this is for Maya."
I replied, " no, that is for you."
Then Morgan looked at it again and said, "let me see if he works." She took the new doggies brown ear held it in her hand and put her thumb in her mouth like she usually does with the original doggie. Not even 30 seconds go by as she pulls out her thumb throws new doggie down and declares, "he doesn't work!"
I guess the original doggie is going to have to train the new doggie...

rough days- happy smiles

This past Thursday Maya got her 2 month shots. The day started out fine, she took the shots well and we headed home... Then about 2 hrs later the crying started!!!! and lasted and lasted for hrs! it wasn't until close to 5pm that she finally settled down some and fell asleep. I think she wore her poor little self out and just couldn't keep going.
Now while Maya was crying, and I was trying to sooth her, Morgan was fussing and complaining that Maya was too loud. She also found ways to intentionally get into trouble. (needed attention I think)
By the time Ben came home just the look on my face told the days story!

But even after a LONG hard day like last Thursday, these girls still have smiles.
I'm so glad that days like that don't come every day and that we are blessed with two beautiful happy and healthy girls with what I believe to be the most precious smiles ever! (I might be a little bias though)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Maya 6 weeks already

6 weeks have gone by. Maya is now smiling some and awake a lot more. Although having her sleep most of the time was nice, it's also fun seeing her take in the world. Her smile is very cute yet hard to capture on camera, but here are some fun pictures for you.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Morgan mischief

Oh where to start! Morgan has taken on the challenge of getting our attention while at the same time discovering new ways to get into trouble. One Sunday after her nap she quietly got out of bed and went into the bathroom, climbed up onto and into the bathroom sink and then opened the cabinet and got into mommy's make up!! She is very lucky that Daddy found her for that one!

Then only a few days later she decided to get into the glitter paint and give her baby doll, Annie, a make over. I have to say though when she got caught she had the guiltiest look I have ever seen! too bad I didn't take a picture then and didn't think of it until I was all ready cleaning up her doll. Paint was all over mommy's desk and a few other toys in our family room as well but mainly on poor baby Annie.
If only those were the only stories we had... others include baby wipes all over, lotion bottles emptied and oh....... several other fun discoveries.