Friday, March 18, 2011

rough days- happy smiles

This past Thursday Maya got her 2 month shots. The day started out fine, she took the shots well and we headed home... Then about 2 hrs later the crying started!!!! and lasted and lasted for hrs! it wasn't until close to 5pm that she finally settled down some and fell asleep. I think she wore her poor little self out and just couldn't keep going.
Now while Maya was crying, and I was trying to sooth her, Morgan was fussing and complaining that Maya was too loud. She also found ways to intentionally get into trouble. (needed attention I think)
By the time Ben came home just the look on my face told the days story!

But even after a LONG hard day like last Thursday, these girls still have smiles.
I'm so glad that days like that don't come every day and that we are blessed with two beautiful happy and healthy girls with what I believe to be the most precious smiles ever! (I might be a little bias though)

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