Friday, March 18, 2011

Tale of two Doggies

We recently noticed that Morgan's all time favorite doggie was getting holes in several places.
She takes doggie with her everywhere when she can. She hasn't been to bed without doggie since she was about 6 months old maybe younger. He has traveled with us everywhere, and even managed to survive a few camping trips. So I have been searching for a while to find a second doggie just in case something were to happen... well I found one!
Yes that's the same doggie! same brand same make and model... but one very loved and one bran new.
Morgan took a look at the new doggie as she pulled it out of the box. She then looked at me handing me the new doggie and said, "I think this is for Maya."
I replied, " no, that is for you."
Then Morgan looked at it again and said, "let me see if he works." She took the new doggies brown ear held it in her hand and put her thumb in her mouth like she usually does with the original doggie. Not even 30 seconds go by as she pulls out her thumb throws new doggie down and declares, "he doesn't work!"
I guess the original doggie is going to have to train the new doggie...

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