Thursday, March 3, 2011

Morgan mischief

Oh where to start! Morgan has taken on the challenge of getting our attention while at the same time discovering new ways to get into trouble. One Sunday after her nap she quietly got out of bed and went into the bathroom, climbed up onto and into the bathroom sink and then opened the cabinet and got into mommy's make up!! She is very lucky that Daddy found her for that one!

Then only a few days later she decided to get into the glitter paint and give her baby doll, Annie, a make over. I have to say though when she got caught she had the guiltiest look I have ever seen! too bad I didn't take a picture then and didn't think of it until I was all ready cleaning up her doll. Paint was all over mommy's desk and a few other toys in our family room as well but mainly on poor baby Annie.
If only those were the only stories we had... others include baby wipes all over, lotion bottles emptied and oh....... several other fun discoveries.

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