Wednesday, June 6, 2012

David's Graduation!

I now have a movie pitch for Hollywood!
An infant boy abandon at birth, catches pneumonia and is hospitalized.
Because of this is placed with a loving foster care family who nurses him back to health, teaches him how to eat and what it means to be loved.
Through this family he meets his future parents and sisters, whom a Dr's told it was crazy to take him in since he "shouldn't live past age 5 and will never walk. You are wasting your time on him"

He learns to walk, talk and is able to go to school.
His adopted family loves and cares for him.  Helps him get the extra help he needs.
With all the extra care and attention he makes it all the way though to age 21 when he then walks across a stage as they call out "David Malcolm Crane".
He defied all odds, wore a cap and gown and graduated from High school!

Triumphant ending!  Well kind of.  The only thing is his story isn't over!  I am grateful that his story isn't over, but it's scary not knowing what is next for someone like David.

David you are so loved! and I wish I could say it's smooth sailing from here on out, but only God knows the path you are on.
I pray that there is always a place for you where you can feel safe, have things to do, and get your DVD player! :)

Picture from several years ago but I love it! 


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! David!!! Just goes to show you that with God's love, and love and support from a nuturing family...anything can be accomplished!!!! The heavens are certainly smiling on all of your family!!!

  2. Ok Steph you got me! I'm crying again. Thank you for being such a determined big sister. Without all the time you spent making him do this physical therapy he wouldn't be walking.
