Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

Happy Valentines day!  It's always fun celebrating anything especially through the eyes of a child! We up'ed the fun this year.  We still had our heart shaped pancakes and dyed them pink even.  Before the pancakes though Morgan woke up to a trail of heart shaped papers that led her to a present from grandma and a card from mama and some candy from daddy.  Maya enjoyed the display as well though we had to keep her from eating the paper hearts.  Morgan was SO excited when she woke up and found the trail she didn't even know a present etc would be at the end of it.  It was nice to know she could be just as excited over paper hearts as she is over getting presents.  
Morgan picking up the heart trail 

Scattered hearts
Opening her present from Grandma

Maya opening her present 

Eating Breakfast

Enjoying her pancakes 

Sticky fingers!  

Pink Heart Shaped pancakes 

My cute girls in their valentines shirts from Grandma 

Just cute! 

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