Saturday, February 25, 2012

Pop Pop Mangrich

On Sunday February 19, 2012 we got the news that Ben's Dad Passed away.

I can't speak for anyone really other than my self, but I have found it to be an interesting struggle between overwhelming sadness and a sense of rejoicing.

I wanted him to continue to play silly games with Morgan and get the chance to see Maya learn to walk, and see the girls grow up.  I wanted to beat him at a game of "hand and foot", and roll my eyes again when he talked about politics (not my thing).  I wanted to see Ben and him go on many more adventures and vacations together.  I wanted to continue to be his daughter in law, who probably drove him crazy.  We will miss him, and my selfish nature wanted him to stay with us here on earth but God called him home.

He has been a true warrior of God through out his life knowing the dark side of life and the light in Christ.  He was a mighty prayer intercessor and praised God with Dancing.  He was full of fun, and bursting with love for others.

On wednesday February 22, 2012 we had the viewing.  It caused the reality to sink in a little for me.  The most precious moment was when Ben and I walked Morgan to the casket so she could see him one last time and we could explain it to her.  She saw some praying hands on the casket and she asked what they were.  Ben told her and for the next 2 minutes she stood there holding her hands in a praying position with her head down.  After that it took many conversations with her to explain to her that he wasn't sleeping.  Oh the mind of a 3 almost 4 yr old is a wonderful thing.

Thursday February 23, 2012 was the memorial service and funeral etc.  Several people spoke including Ben and his sister Abby.  I held back may tears and let out many as well.  We sang worship songs including "we will dance" one of Rick's favorites.  As we did Morgan got out to the isle and danced her little heart out.  That girl just knows how to get to peoples hearts.  Rick would have been so proud.

Now as the craziness has passed and quietness is setting in we are sad and miss Rick, but God is granting us amazing peace and comfort in the midst of it all.

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