Sunday, December 26, 2010

let it Snow!

The Day after Christmas we got a lot of snow!! so we thought, "let's go the the park!"

Yes! We bundled all up and went to the park.

We had the whole place to our selves and we took advantage of it. We played on the play ground and went down the slides (well Ben and Morgan did) and enjoyed the sings!
We even taught Morgan how to have a fun filled snowball fight. She caught on real quick.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas this year was so fun! This is the first year that Morgan was super excited about the presents under the tree. She also seemed very interested in the Christmas story. She kept pretending she was baby Jesus's Mother. She was slightly disappointed when we didn't have a birthday cake though. Maybe next year.

She was happy to see her stocking full of fun! Evan after getting little trinkets in it all month.

She was very patient waiting for us to be ready to open presents! Though we probably pushed our luck a little pit by making her eat breakfast first.

She helped us carry on the puzzle tradition! Ben kept trying to help her but she wanted to do it all on her own. (took for ever!)

Morgan was really good at ripping threw the wrapping paper this year too!

She even made sure she showed Ben and I how it was done when it was our turn.

I think it took us until about noon to finish all the presents, because Morgan wanted to play with each one as she opened it. Hey why now! We had no where to go, and Ben and I got to enjoy our coffee that way.

The best part of the Morning though was when Ben got his last gift. It took several people to pull this surprise off. Ben got a new bike. I'm still happy that it was a surprise! Morgan, who knew about it, didn't even give it away! :)

The rest of the day was spent playing family games, and eating a wonderful roast dinner.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ice-skating with Daddy

Morgan's first experience standing on skates, and she did a really good job.

She hung onto daddy slipping and sliding around with the occasional skating action in there.

I'm not sure who's idea it was for Morgan to be carried... Was Morgan tired, or were Ben's arms and back tired of her hanging on him? but she got to go around at least once a little faster. Until the ice ring guy said Ben couldn't hold her. (safety thing...?)

All in all don't they look good out there on skates! :) Wish I had good enough balance with this Huge pregnant belly to join them!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Aunt Abby's visit

Abby came all the way from Singapore just to see us! (well for the first week anyway) It was so good to see her! But the poor girl had to endure our freezing cold weather and a 2-yr-old's energy while adjusting time zones...

We dragged her to the field museum where Morgan ran around saying look at this... and look at that... I think she had a good time. I know We did.

We also, went shopping, sledding and down town.
I got a fun video of Ben, Morgan and Abby sledding but sadly I can't get it to work on here.

It was a lot of fun having Abby around.
Morgan sure misses her now that she's gone!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Gingerbread house

Ben brought home a gingerbread house kit for us to make this year. He explained it to Morgan as a house you can eat! Sounded great as far as she was concerned!

She then had to be explained that we had to build the house first. She was really good and patient while I figured out the directions.

And put all the walls and roof together.

She was happier though when we pulled out the candy decorations! I'm not sure if they used more on the house or eat more... But she did a really good job! (and so did Ben)

Then when it was finished she wasn't very happy when she was told she couldn't eat it right away! Can you tell by the face she's making?

Finally a few days later Morgan got her wish... we "eat" the gingerbread house. Well, what we could anyway. I don't think we've ever been so sick!! Most of the house found it's way to the trash.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cookie Time

Morgan and I baked Cookies! We slaved in the kitchen for hours and hours and hours.......

Or maybe we just opened premade cookie dough and stuck it on the pan. :)

But who can argue when they taste great and you get a look like this from your daughter?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas decorating

As soon as we could pull our act together after getting back from our fun Thanksgiving vacation, we got out our Christmas Decorations!

Morgan enjoyed checking them out and discovering what to her were new toys to run around with.

Ben did most of the work this year! Morgan tried to help, I just sat on the couch and "encouraged".

I bet Ben really appreciated our prelit tree this year!!

Tree made it up! Ornaments even!
I'm so thankful for Ben who did most of the work! (not in our pictures, lights up out side, and fun decorations around the rest of the house!)