Saturday, December 11, 2010

Gingerbread house

Ben brought home a gingerbread house kit for us to make this year. He explained it to Morgan as a house you can eat! Sounded great as far as she was concerned!

She then had to be explained that we had to build the house first. She was really good and patient while I figured out the directions.

And put all the walls and roof together.

She was happier though when we pulled out the candy decorations! I'm not sure if they used more on the house or eat more... But she did a really good job! (and so did Ben)

Then when it was finished she wasn't very happy when she was told she couldn't eat it right away! Can you tell by the face she's making?

Finally a few days later Morgan got her wish... we "eat" the gingerbread house. Well, what we could anyway. I don't think we've ever been so sick!! Most of the house found it's way to the trash.

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