Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas this year was so fun! This is the first year that Morgan was super excited about the presents under the tree. She also seemed very interested in the Christmas story. She kept pretending she was baby Jesus's Mother. She was slightly disappointed when we didn't have a birthday cake though. Maybe next year.

She was happy to see her stocking full of fun! Evan after getting little trinkets in it all month.

She was very patient waiting for us to be ready to open presents! Though we probably pushed our luck a little pit by making her eat breakfast first.

She helped us carry on the puzzle tradition! Ben kept trying to help her but she wanted to do it all on her own. (took for ever!)

Morgan was really good at ripping threw the wrapping paper this year too!

She even made sure she showed Ben and I how it was done when it was our turn.

I think it took us until about noon to finish all the presents, because Morgan wanted to play with each one as she opened it. Hey why now! We had no where to go, and Ben and I got to enjoy our coffee that way.

The best part of the Morning though was when Ben got his last gift. It took several people to pull this surprise off. Ben got a new bike. I'm still happy that it was a surprise! Morgan, who knew about it, didn't even give it away! :)

The rest of the day was spent playing family games, and eating a wonderful roast dinner.

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