Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving and Florida Fun!

Turkey Day! Finally here!

Thanksgiving food was definitely one of the foods I have craved the most being pregnant! Now to eat as much as I can before it's all gone.
Ben's Mom made a delicious turkey with all the fixings! I helped with the mashed potatoes and Ben made the stuffing. Yummy Thanksgiving food, worthy of giving thanks!

Morgan was pretty excited as well! I mean a plate full of mashed potatoes couldn't get any better, except when you add gravy, and cranberries on the side.

But Before we could eat we got to enjoy some Florida fun! We were able to walk around a beautiful lake (name? that's pregnancy brain for you!)

Morgan got to play on the play ground with Poppop! I think she convinced him to swing her for at least 20 minutes or longer.

oh yeah, Ben joined in on the fun too.

We also went on a boat cruise and enjoyed the sun shine while getting to see some beautiful sights and homes.

Fun times!

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