Saturday, November 27, 2010

Monkey Joe's!

While we were in Florida we made a wonderful discovery! There's this place called Monkey Joe's! And they even have some in Chicago land! We are going to have to find them!

Morgan got to bounce, jump, slide, fall, and be crazy in all the bouncy houses they had there
(and there were a lot!).

This one was her favorite! She went down that slide over and over and over for about 1/2 hr! Then she took a short break and tried others only to come back to this one again.

Ben got to play too! He played air hockey for about 2 seconds. I'm surprised I got a picture before she founds something else to do.

Ben got to go in the bouncy houses with Morgan as her "assist". I'm pretty sure it was more of an excuse than an assist!

This next one was a huge challenge for Morgan! She climbed up with enthusiasm and then got stuck up at the top for quite a while, too nervous to slide down.

She then slid down only because the stairs got blocked and she couldn't climb down. I have never seen her cheeks so red!! Needless to say she went back to the other small yellow slide after that.

She did other things there when she needed a jumping break including: pretending to drive...

Hugging Monkey Joe...

and hitting mice...

I think Ben eventually got tired as well!

And then the ride back to Grandma and Poppop's.

We had a really fun morning with her there! Not sure she could have lasted all day.

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