Monday, September 3, 2012

Trip to the DR #2: Day with FH: Sept 3, 2012

After spending time in Santo Domingo we ventured out with Food for the Hungry for a day to visit our sponsor child.  I can't tell you the impact this had on all of us!!  It was amazing to see how people in the little town lived and to learn more about how FH worked.  But, the best part was when Ben and 1/2 the neighborhood kids were playing a huge game of dodge-ball.  Most of the kids tried to use Ben as a shield.
While that game was going on Morgan made friends with a little girl her age and they played very well together even with the language barrier.  Morgan told us on the way home that she wants to learn Spanish now so she can write the little girl a letter...
What I took out of it all: well, I'm still processing it, but I am praying that God can bless those kids and families we met there! I pray that they will never go hungry or thirsty and that they will be blessed with the knowledge of God.  I wish I could do more for them, I wish I could take what I have and the life I have and hand it to them, but for now... prayer is what I can do.

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