Sunday, July 29, 2012

Kitchen transformation 2009-2012

The Kitchen when we bought the house: 2009

Kitchen after we moved in 2009-2010

Kitchen Before we started tearing down the wall 2012

The Demolition

Morgan Loved getting to draw on the 

We even let Morgan help with some demolition: she helped remove the door frames 

We did it! No more kitchen...

The Construction

Living in a mess! (and this floor wasn't the messiest.) 

Morgan helping again

Maya trying to get in on the action

First meal at our new breakfast bar 

First meal cooked in our new kitchen

Almost done just the floors and a few details left 

And we are Done!

The Girls "Helping" With the dishes

Living room back in place

You can see the kitchen from the front door now! 

Note the pretty floors! 

I love our new kitchen! 

Totally worth all the hard work, displacement and microwaved meals!  

 A Special Thanks to Everyone Who Helped out!! Especially Paul and his crew, Trent for demolition work, Jerry helping when he can, Scott for lending us his tools, and many others! 

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