Sunday, July 29, 2012

Kitchen transformation 2009-2012

The Kitchen when we bought the house: 2009

Kitchen after we moved in 2009-2010

Kitchen Before we started tearing down the wall 2012

The Demolition

Morgan Loved getting to draw on the 

We even let Morgan help with some demolition: she helped remove the door frames 

We did it! No more kitchen...

The Construction

Living in a mess! (and this floor wasn't the messiest.) 

Morgan helping again

Maya trying to get in on the action

First meal at our new breakfast bar 

First meal cooked in our new kitchen

Almost done just the floors and a few details left 

And we are Done!

The Girls "Helping" With the dishes

Living room back in place

You can see the kitchen from the front door now! 

Note the pretty floors! 

I love our new kitchen! 

Totally worth all the hard work, displacement and microwaved meals!  

 A Special Thanks to Everyone Who Helped out!! Especially Paul and his crew, Trent for demolition work, Jerry helping when he can, Scott for lending us his tools, and many others! 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Build-A-Bear 2012

Morgan and Maya got to go to Build-A-Bear and it was insane!  When I finally was able to wrap my mind around the craziness of it all and just embrace what we were doing it ended up being fun.  

Morgan very carefully picked out her bear.  She helped the lady at the pump fill her bear up after kissing the carefully selected heart and placing it inside.  Once her bear was all filled up it was off to the brushing/ cleaning station where she washed and brushed her bear and gave it a mini Dr's appt.  She was so into it.  I enjoyed watching her.  Then off to picking out clothes!  Yikes!  Way too much to choose from to start off.  She went through several choices but ended up picking out a tinkerbell outfit, which surprised me since there were princess dresses there too.  This lovely bear is now named Rainbow and Morgan takes Rainbow on some adventures, but rainbow sleeps in the toy pack n play at the food of her bed instead of in bed with her.  

Maya had a good time too.  Her experience was very different though.  She picked out her dog and clung to it for dear life!  She picked out a heart tried to eat it while we tried to convince her to put it in her dog.  We had to pry the thing out of her hands and she preceded to cry while it was being filled with fluff.  Maya could have cared less about picking out clothes for her dog.  She was just happy to have it back in her tight grip and not let it go.  She has since named her dog Floppy and sleeps with him every night!