Friday, December 30, 2011

Trip to FL/ Christmas and New Years

Morgan ready for our long road trip to FL

Maya still enjoying the trip

Getting some energy out 

So happy to be out of the car

Mom = Jungle gym

Hurray we made it to Florida!!

Hey mom, can I drive? 

Aunt Abby! 
Say Cheese: ok enough pick me up now... 

enough pictures mom lets open presents! 

really presents? 

Poppop here's a present.  

Yummy Tag

Just what I wanted! 

hey, mom does get in some pictures. 

Time for  the princesses to play a princes game

Family picture time 

Poppop and Grandma

aren't we cute (yeah the girls are cute too) 

Maya sporting her angry birds outfit 

Beautiful Christmas lights by a lake 

Morgan is trying to escape yet another picture

ok I'll pose if Aunt Abby will

Visiting great grandma Mangrich

Grandma and Maya playing

Grandma playing in the sand with Morgan 

Time to fly! 

Last happy hour of 2011

My favorite sun set picture as we drove home.   

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011: Maya's 1st Christmas.

 Morgan started the day off by marching down stairs opening the last door on our advent tree and then declaring that all the doors are open so it must be Christmas.  Then poor Morgan had to hold it together as we made her wait till not only after church, but then after Maya's nap and Brunch to open presents.  With all the Christmas traditions, stockings, food, presents,etc... it was really neat having Christmas on a Sunday.  I enjoyed being reminded of the reason for the day with more than just a read through the story.  It is easy to get caught up in mix of things, so taking the morning to stop and worship was a great way to start off the celebration of Jesus Birth.

We enjoyed the girls excitement throughout the day. When Morgan was finally allowed to get to the presents she was bursting with excitement.  We could hardly hold her back as she ripped open the gifts and jumped and down over their contents.  Maya enjoyed eat wrapping paper, played with boxes and enjoyed her presents when Morgan wasn't steeling them.

Morgan trying to convince Maya she's done eating so we can open presents

Thanks mom for the coat!!!  

Maya opening a fun present

Opening more presents

Morgan opening her gumball machine 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Zoo Lights

 This year we went to see the Zoo Lights and it was a comfortable (or bearable) 40 something degrees outside.  We enjoyed watching Morgan ooh and aah at all the lights and Maya really was simply trying to figure out how to move in her winter coat.  Though I think I saw a smile here and there.
We were excited to find out this year that as members we could enjoy some free hot coco and family activities indoors to warm up for a while before we continued on to see some more spectacular lights.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Scissors and Snowflakes

 Morgan loves crafts so this year I decided to teach her how to make paper snow flakes.  She had never used scissors before (that I know of)  and that was the biggest challenge to start off.  Once she got the hang of the scissors we got some interesting looking snowflakes.
 I have found that the best way to make good snowflakes is to take coffee filters and fold them into triangles and then cut away.  The perfect round snowflakes... well sort of. ;)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Decorating for Christmas

Kicking off the Month of December with Christmas decorating.  Morgan was so excited.  She helped get the Christmas tree out of the basement and pull out all the decorations and hang up the stockings.  I am starting to fully understand all the sayings about kids and their excitement.  She literally couldn't contain herself no matter how hard she tried.  Maya spent most of the evening in a state of confusion watching her sister run all over the place.  Maya also tried to "help" (or explore) only to have Morgan take each ornament or decoration and "show" Maya how it works. And occasionally she would take things away from Maya explaining to us how Maya's too young for this, that and the other...