Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sick family

In a 3 week period of time our poor girls seemed to be in and out of the Dr's off ice way too often.  I was on the phone with them so often I think they recognized my voice when they answered.  

First Maya (and I) got a local infection which affected her eating.  Then Morgan got a stomach ache which made her end her swim lesson early.  Turned out to be strep.  Then due to an allergic reaction to the antibiotics for the strep Morgan got a horrible case of hives. 

I know that doesn't all sound so bad but it made for a long couple of weeks.  Especially when in the middle of it all Maya got her 4 month shots leading to a full day of crying.  

Morgan laying on the floor with her bad stomach ache. 
Me trying to deal with the girls, not stressed at all...

Luckily we are now all happy and healthy.  Just look at those once again cute smiles. 

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