Saturday, June 25, 2011

Camping and Triathlon

Ben's latest athletic adventure was defeating a Triathlon and he did just that!  We set up camp at the park where the race was to take place which was a real time saver in the morning though a rough night with the girls before hand.  Morgan struggled sleeping, not because she was scared or uncomfortable... no, because she was so excited to be in the same tent as mommy and daddy...  Maya couldn't sleep because Morgan kept her up, and we couldn't sleep because well... we're parents of two girls who wouldn't sleep!  

Morgan hanging out while we set up camp. 

Maya trying to figure out what on earth is going on

Morgan not too sure of these sleeping arrangements

Maya definitely unsure of her sleeping arrangements
As for the race Ben Rocked it!! We found a really great place and were able to see him start both the bike and the run.  It was fun cheering him on.  Morgan was yelling at the top of her lungs (and she is very loud normally) "go daddy!"  He finished 21 in his division.
Our friends Elliot and Amanda were there and ran (swam and biked) the race as well.  Elliot came in 2nd in his age division and Amanda did really well too (never got her status...)
Now Morgan wants to learn how to ride a bike and swim better so that she can race with Daddy, Elliot and Amanda.
Ben getting his bike ready 

Ben starting the Bike portion of the race

Ben starting the running portion of the race

Ben, Elliot and Amanda after the race (and Morgan too)

Morgan sneaking in and our of the beer area

Elliot being recognized for coming in 2nd for his age division 

Maya happy while we pack up

1 comment:

  1. Where was your birthday cake? Looks like there were lots of smiles!
