Monday, May 30, 2011

Ethos/ Small Group 2010-2011

This past year (speaking in school year terms) Ben and I were blessed to be leaders, along with Josh Robertson, of a wonderful church small group.  They are our extended family here in Evanston.  With no family near by I don't know how we would survive without these friendships.  People helping with meals when the girls were born, then babysitting after so we can have date nights.  People who have given us their time and energy when we moved and had to fix up our house.  People who cry with us when we're sad, laugh with us when we're happy and pray with us weekly.  Not to mention just putting up with our earthly mess and still loving us in the end.  
Our Small group (With a few people missing)

Our group is full of wonderful people who have fantastic ideas one of which was to go on a weekend retreat!  Oh the fun!  We Prayed, Talked, Eat and Played together for a 3 day weekend.  What better way to build community than to live together for a while.  We enjoyed kayaking, boating, skiing, volleyball, and dodge ball during the day.  A bonfire and good conversations in the evenings.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

4 months

Maya is 4 months old.  She is discovering her hands and feet.  She is also noticing that she has a very loud sister.  Morgan is one of her favorite things to watch these days.  And Morgan is embracing that roll.  They are very sweet together.  

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Maya's first 5k

Once again Ben ran the Young life 5/10k.  This time though he was pushing a double stroller with both girls inside.  Not to mention really bad winds that caught in the stroller and made it even harder.  Maya slept threw most of it, though Morgan seemed to enjoy it. Especially when it was over and she got a balloon! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pot a Tot

Maya's new favorite thing is to sit outside in her baby camp chair also known as a pop-a-tot (awesome name). She loves to watch Morgan running around in the yard and when the wind chimes go off she seems to squeal with delight.  

Thanks Mimi and Pops! 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Maya's Dedication

In the presence of God and his church, we dedicate Maya to the Lord, and in so doing commit ourselves to raise her in a home where Christ will be loved and honored, the Word of God held in reverence, and God's Truth will be taught in word and in deed.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Grandparents visit

Ben's parents came to visit!  Morgan was so excited to have them around!  She was in her true element playing with them all week.  I enjoyed a little vacation.  It was nice having help with the girls.  I am pretty sure I only changed about 5 diapers all week.  And they took such good care of Morgan all week.  Morgan had them playing all kinds of games including coins under the covers (I guess it's where they hide coins and she finds them...)  One day they even took Morgan to the Zoo while I got to spend some alone time with Maya.
Having help is so nice, almost didn't know what to do when they left.  I guess you forget that help is helpful until you get some.
The evenings were nice as well.  We played a lot of cards and enjoyed spending time with them.  

It was good to see them.  It was also nice having them here for Both Morgan's Birthday and Maya's dedication.  Hope they don't stay away for too long.