Monday, February 7, 2011

Snow Storm 2011

We definitely got the biggest snow storm we've seen since we have been living here. So glad to be inside the house with my 2 week old while watching the snow roll in, in stead of stressing over how to get to the hospital! God answered prayers on that one!

While I stayed in, Ben and Morgan enjoyed the snow storm the next day from out side. Ben built a snow fort with a couple tunnels in it. Morgan had a Blast! She just loved playing in the snow, and then coming in for some hot coco after.

Ben also built a snow thrown for him to sit and watch Morgan play, after he did all the work. :)

I think they had lots of fun! They even got to know our neighbors a little bit while they were out there. They were building a snow fort of their own. So Morgan spent time going back and forth between the two.

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