Saturday, February 26, 2011

Beating the winter blues.

We took Morgan to the Nickle arcade thinking she would love putting coins in machines. She had so much fun running from one game to the next. She was even able to keep up with her dad who pretty much turned into a little boy the minute we walked it.

OK so maybe her mom turned into a little girl also. It was fun playing all kinds of games. Morgan and Ben won against Maya and I when playing air hockey. Although I still claim they cheated. I made some nice shots shooting basketballs (yes while holding Maya in the carrier). We had a lot of fun playing some other old school arcade games for probably 5$. Great Saturday activity.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wow Where did the Month go?

It has been a full Month of caring for our precious Maya. She is a very content little girl. She puts up with her big sister's LOUD voice. She some how manages to sleep threw all the singing and dancing that goes on when Morgan is around. Maya is growing and eating very well, just check out her chubby cheeks that are starting to show up. We have been able to take her to church a few times all ready (she slept threw most of the sermon...) and she has been a good sport as we drag her around on Saturdays trying to find fun things to keep Morgan busy in this cold winter weather.

What a blessing to have two beautiful healthy girls!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day 2011

Valentine's Day usually gets forgotten in our house, But not this year!
We celebrated on Saturday with a yummy breakfast of pink Heart shaped pancakes.
Morgan was so excited about them that she sang all threw breakfast (although the singing threw meals is fairly normal for her).
Ben and Maya enjoyed them too... Though I think Ben could have used more sleep the night before, and Maya sadly didn't get to try them this year.

After Breakfast we watched Morgan open her valentines day present from Grandma.
The rest of the day was spent enjoying family time, we played a couple games with Morgan and then watched a movie at home after she went to bed... kind of a stay at home valentines date night.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Snow Storm 2011

We definitely got the biggest snow storm we've seen since we have been living here. So glad to be inside the house with my 2 week old while watching the snow roll in, in stead of stressing over how to get to the hospital! God answered prayers on that one!

While I stayed in, Ben and Morgan enjoyed the snow storm the next day from out side. Ben built a snow fort with a couple tunnels in it. Morgan had a Blast! She just loved playing in the snow, and then coming in for some hot coco after.

Ben also built a snow thrown for him to sit and watch Morgan play, after he did all the work. :)

I think they had lots of fun! They even got to know our neighbors a little bit while they were out there. They were building a snow fort of their own. So Morgan spent time going back and forth between the two.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

First two weeks home

The first two weeks of having Maya home went very smoothly. Ben was able to take the first week off work to help out. He mainly spent his time playing with Morgan, and trying to keep me from doing too much. Then in came my mom! It is so helpful having an extra set of hands when you need to get a shower or a nap! :) Enjoy some pictures from the first few weeks home.