Saturday, November 6, 2010

Run for Chocolate/ Hot Chocolate 15k

Ben took on the challenge of running the Hot Chocolate 15k this year instead of the 5k. I mean it had to be easier than the 1/2 Marathon he ran right!

Morgan and Daddy riding the train down town to pick up the packet of stuff that he needed for the race! Morgan loves train rides!

The group from EBF that also ran that day! Some in the 5k some in the 15k.

Ben and Morgan after the race! Ben; glad that it was over and he could now eat chocolate. Morgan; full of chocolate cuz' people kept giving her chocolate because they felt sorry for her, as her evil parents made her suffer in the cold to sit and watch a bunch of crazy people run. (she loved it, once she warmed up some.) *note her snow paints and no snow!

Some of the EBF runners after the race! All happy to be done, full of chocolate and ready for lunch! :)

Morgan and her chocolate face sound a sleep on the train ride back.

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