Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The end of Summer

We Ended our summer with a fun trip to St Louis to visit Ben's Aunt Linda and Uncle Steve.

Morgan Loved meeting Aunt Linda's horse,

and feeding the cows.

We also got to go on a fun trip to the Butterfly house! We took way too many pictures to choose from. Morgan really enjoyed looking around at all the butterflies, and the bug exhibit as well.

She even enjoyed being surrounded by roaches........yuck! here's a picture of her and Ben saying "bleh"

Morgan's First Ice cream cone! she's had ice cream before but not like this!

Morgan made us all sing happy birthday to her before she would eat it. After which she really enjoyed it, and her silly mom let her have chocolate. It went everywhere!

Our last summer blast we spent at Evanston's Beach!

Some friends of ours let us use their beach passes to enjoy a fun family day. Morgan had a lot of fun playing in the sand and jumping in the water. Ben tried to teach Morgan how to play frisbee.

And Steph just enjoyed some relaxing time.

That concluded our summer! Bring on FALL!

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