Monday, September 27, 2010

Camping in September

We spent a weekend Camping at Illinois Beach State Park along with other friends from Church.
After months of planning we enjoyed nature, and "roughing it"... although I'm not sure exactly how much actual "roughing it we did. The bathrooms were right near our camp site, and the water was right next to our site.

We arrived Friday night and put up our tent in the dark. The only glitch that night was almost loosing Morgan's doggy! YIKES! After searching for a while we finally found it in one of our bins. Morgan had put it in there while we were getting our equipment out.

Saturday, after enjoying breakfast, (it's hard to warm pop tarts over a fire on a stick like a marshmallow!) we went to the beach. There was a gorgeous view.

Morgan spent the time on the beach playing with her friends Zachary and Wyatt in the sand. I think if they hadn't gotten hungry they would have stayed there all day.

Ben Spent the time playing Volley Ball with our friends. I think he's still wishing they could have had a rematch! always sad when the Wind determines the game.

Then came lunch! Followed by Nap time and Games!

One of our friends challenged these trees and climbed up! Ben tried it but came down before I could get the camera out. It would look more impressive if you could see the ground and just how far up he climbed!

Morgan loved the tent! She did really well staying in her sleeping bag and actually sleeping! She only woke up once in the middle of the night. But Ben and I could have lived with her sleeping in instead of waking up with the sun.
Morgan also loved, playing in the tent with daddy! they spent lots of time hiding in there and playing silly games. She even convinced some of our friends to play her hiding games with her.

Saturday evening we spent time around the fire, singing songs and generally just trying to stay warm! There's really nothing more fun than burning things when you're camping.

Sunday I was lazy and didn't take any pictures but after Morgan woke us up at literally the crack of dawn, we enjoyed some yummy camp made donut holes. Our friend Elliot made them and yum, Yum! I think we definitely over eat!
After breakfast we spent some time worshiping.
Then we packed up and went home, excited to actually sleep in a bed and not on the ground.

Note: Yes Stephanie Did Go!! even though there aren't any pictures. (someone had to take them...) Honestly camping while pregnant... fun, just not the sleeping on the ground part! I'm still sad our air mattress didn't hold up!

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