Wednesday, September 15, 2010

1/2 Marathon

Ben ran in the Chicago 1/2 Marathon on Sunday 9/12/10! He ran 13.1 miles in about 2 hrs and 20 minutes or so! He started training in the spring and kept it up and accomplished his goal: to finish!

Here's Ben before the race: note the happy/ tired/ nervous face.
Here's Ben after the race! I think he's a little tired.
Morgan holding Ben's Metal (she didn't want to give it back)
Happy family! We're so proud of Ben!
Ben ran with one of the girls from our small group and her dad. It originally started out as something several people from our small group were thinking about. (Steph was NOT one of them) but two stepped it up and made it a reality!! Good job you two! :) maybe next year more people will join in... (yeah Steph's still out! )

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