Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Trip to the ER

Well it finally happened we had to rush a kid off the the ER.  Honestly if you had asked me I would have thought Maya would have been the one to land in the ER first with her crazy fearlessness.  Low and behold it was Morgan!  She was putting up her usual antics to avoid going to sleep.  She quickly found out that jumping on the bed is not a good idea... 
She came running out of the room to find Dad who was going to send her back to bed, then he saw the blood.  Head injuries bleed a lot!  Luckily we were able to get our selves together and stop the bleeding and head to the ER.  
Upon arrival it was confirmed that taking her there was the right thing to do.  She ended up needing several stitches!  some underneath and some on the surface.  
I was really impressed with the intern that took excellent care of her!! He was really good at explaining things and talking in a way a 4yr old could understand.  
The hard part was that they had to strap her down in a mummy type wrap to stitch her up.  My heart sank as I watched that but I was glad to not have to hold her down my self.  
She was very brave! and I am happy to say after it is all said and done her scar is healing up nicely!  

Monday, September 10, 2012

Morgan's first Day of preschool!

Morgan Started her day off with a special pancake breakfast.  

Made it to school with plenty of extra time for Mom to take those embarrassing pictures out front of the school.  (I think I even got an eye roll at one point)

Morgan was over the top excited to discover that she was placed (after being on a long weighting list) in her best friend Wyatt's class.  

While other kids didn't want their parents to leave Morgan said good bye and was off.  I was the one who had a hard time with the separation.  And I think her teacher could tell as she started talking to me and reassuring me that Morgan would be fine.  

Can't believe she's old enough to be in preschool!!  Here's Morgan and her two buddies:  Yong on the left and Wyatt on the right;  Happy trio.  

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Trip to the DR #3: Beach Vacation Sept 4-8 2012

Well we ended our trip with a fun beach vacation... not much to say, take a look at some pictures!