Monday, May 7, 2012

Morgan's 4th Birthday

This year we decided to do something different for Morgan's Birthday.  We asked her what she wanted!  
Morgan decided she wanted to have a tea party for her birthday.  So we started planning.  First step Morgan and I picked out her invitations and sent them to her friends.  Then we went to a thrift store and found some really nice tea cups and tea pots.  I admit I went a little crazy and ended up having so many tea cups I had to get creative in how to use them all.  
Once we had the tea cups and pots we were off for decorations.  I found a sheet at the thrift store as well that made a great table cloth.  Then I found some odds and ends at Party City in their 99cent section.  
Then (thanks to Ben and my dad) we needed activities.  For some reason boys don't think drinking tea is enough... I have to say they were right!!  but Ben's and my definition in activities were worlds apart.  We settled on making bead necklaces and then my dad found those fun bead ironing crafts, so we added those in as well!  

Finally Party day arrived!  Morgan came down stairs to find her party table all set up and her princess cake out on the table (she hadn't seen it yet).  
She was too cute!  It felt like Christmas morning all over again.  She checked out every detail at every place setting at the table and just chattered on about how her friends are going to have so much fun etc.  
She had 6 little friends come over for the party.  They all arrived in their pretty tea party dresses.  Found their names on tea cups at the table and sat down to some girly fun!  
They were so cute!  We served "apple tea" (or apple juice) and some snacks, and followed with the cake latter.  
They enjoyed the crafts and were super quiet while working and supper giggly girls the rest of the time.  Oh the fun of having little girls! :)  
At the end of the party all the girls went home with their crafts, a tea cup with their name on it, a little plastic tiara, and a star wand.  
I would do that party over again in a heart beat!  SO FUN!!  
The party table 

Morgan's first look at her cake

The oh so hard to make cake 

Making bead necklaces 

The girls (yes they were having fun! they just wouldn't smile for the camera, I promise) 

Drinking Apple Tea

Cake Time (the little girl on Morgan's right asked if she could eat 1/2 of the doll's dress...) 

They never do tell you how to cut these cakes! 

Present time.  (after the party and nap time)