Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday 2012

Easter Sunday was a lot of fun.  We went to church in the morning, the girls all dressed up in their matching dresses and shoes.  After the service they had an Easter egg hunt for the kids and both girls just loved that! 

 Morgan spent her time casually picking out each egg making sure it was the right color.  She wouldn't want to get one that might not be just right now after all.  (not sure she got the concept).  All the other kids were running around like crazy picking up every egg in sight.  

Maya got to taste her first candy this Easter.  I think we created a monster! She loved it a little too much. 

 After the hunt Morgan and her best buddy Wyatt looked over what they had found intently comparing every single candy.  It was kind of funny to watch and listen to.  

At the end of the day even after all the candy and fun non religious Easter stuff Morgan was able to recite the whole Easter story, including a sad day (Good Friday) and a happy day (when Jesus rose from the dead).  And she concluded her story with how Jesus is in heaven now alive and taking care of PopPop Mangrich.  

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sleeping babies

For a Baby who didn't seem to like sleep Maya certainly is making up for all the lost time in that first year.  She finally started sleeping through the night in January with a few relapses here and there.  But I do have to say even though she didn't always stay asleep very long she was always able to fall asleep easily.  Now all she needs for a good night sleep is her blanket (Called "dadit") and Ernie.  

Honestly there truly is nothing better than a sleeping baby!! 

Except a sleeping mom at the same time!!  

Oh yeah and a sleeping Morgan along with that! :) 

Now if someone could just teach me how to get a consistent nap with a second child 
or how to get them to sleep in I would be golden! 

Dress Up Fun

 Our Morgan Loves many things, but I would have to say one of her favorite things is playing dress up!  She loves to put pretend outfits together and prance around the room making up all kinds of fun adventures (most of them where she is Cinderella).  She also loves to put her daily outfits together; you know the ones she wares out of the house. (some days are a real challenge)  I find myself telling people (who usually don't even ask) that, "She dressed her self today."

Use Feb Pics and some March etc..