Friday, March 30, 2012

Since we've Been Home (March 2012)

Since we have been home from our trips to Florida the girls have been very busy!  Just take a look!
Maya is trying to convince us she should learn how to drive! 

Morgan is always trying to sneak up on us. (little does she know we're not too surprised hence the camera!)  Now if only she can learn to do it quietly

Morgan loves to read (quote memorized books) to her little sister. 

Maya loves it! 

Morgan has learned to scale the metal things (I'm sure they have a name) on our back patio.  

Our whole family got the stomach flu!! (yes that's why she has that face)

But Morgan looked the cutest while sick. (even cuter than little Maya...I think it was the hair) 

They convinced daddy to climb on the rocks by the beach with them so they could look over and see the dogs at the dog beach. 

Maya has mastered the art of drinking milk from her sippy cup.   Now to teach her that Milk is not an endless supply we have and that water is good too.  

They both have learned to play very well together out side.  And Morgan is excited to have a play mate not just a baby at home now.  

Lastly for the month of march Maya has given up crawling!  She is now a walker all the way even seems like she's running half the time.