Sunday, January 22, 2012

Maya's 1st Birthday

One Year ago we welcomed Maya into our family!  It has been a long year lacking sleep but filled with diapers, spit up, and a whole lot of smiles.  We have enjoyed watching Maya go from new born to toddler.  We have watched a lot of firsts, smiles, clapping, rolling, sitting, waving, crawling, cruising, talking, foods... we're still waiting for true walking but we're not in a hurry.  Maya is a happy little girl always there to cheer up our day, even on the days she's the cause for crankyness...  We have especially enjoyed watching Maya and Morgan become loving sisters.  Maya just loves Morgan and is all ready trying to keep up with her big sister.  Morgan loves to help out with Maya and she always tries to cheer her up when she cries.  Morgan has been an amazing big sister.
I think to sum up... Thank God for Little Girls! :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Daddy's little girls

It's been almost a year!  Look how much they've changed.  (or haven't)
Both girls are growing up and turning more and more into daddy's girls!

Morgan has always been a daddy's girl ever since the first night she was with us and she held Ben's little finger.

Maya has resisted being a daddy's girl a little (probably more because her sister was hogging him) but is slowly falling for her daddy.
They both get so excited when he comes home from work.  Maya crawls as fast as she can to get to daddy and Morgan can't stop talking to daddy and dancing around.  It's a constant battle for daddy's attention in the evenings.  Though, I have to say it's the highlight of my day watching Ben and his girls!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

New pet

Morgan wanted a pet so we took her to a pet store and helped her choose a pet.
She started off by the birds.  Dad says no birds they're too noisy
Then she was off to the mice and rats.  Mom says no, we all ready have enough trouble with those.
Then she saw some cats, but she remembered we had one and had to give him away so we kept looking.
Finally she settled on a beta fish (with much guidance...)

I helped her set up the little purple beta tank with a pink castle and in went the beta.
She has now named her beta Tinker Bell.
Tonight when she went to bed she had to go back down stairs.
She then hugged and kissed her fish (well the tank) good night.
I love that girl!

Maya is enjoying Tinker Bell as well.  She likes to point and say "tee" (I'm sure she means "fish").