Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We drove 13 hrs from Evanston to my parent's place in PA.  We decided to take two days each way in order to enjoy the drive a bit more with the girls.  Morgan loved the hotel stays with cartoons, pizza, and swimming.  Maya loved to play and crawl around on a pile of pillows we would create.
At Mimi and Poppop's Cottage we were able to have lots of fun and laughs.  Morgan and her two cousins Daniel and Hannah played fairly well together.  Maya spent most of her time playing with My sister's dog Diego.  That poor dog was so good to put up with Maya's torture.  Ben and I spent time relaxing, playing games, laughing and then there's always the eating, eating and more eating.  It was really nice spending time with family.  



Thursday, November 3, 2011

Story Time

 One of Morgan's favorite times of the day definitely isn't bed time, but she does love story time before hand.  Maya is quickly learning to enjoy the stories as well though she can't quite sit still. Morgan loves that she gets to pick the story and then sits some what quietly while Ben reads. Maya crawls around the room and comes over to see the pictures from time to time.  I love to sit in and listen mainly because it's so sweet watching Ben with the girls!