Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treating 2011

 Seriously we spent all weekend celebrating goofy costumes and eating candy.  Saturday and Sunday evening we went to costume parties.  Ben was a cop who caught me (the bandit) steeling a bag of money (Maya).  Morgan didn't want to join our theme so she was a Fairy Ballerina Astronaut.  She kept that costume for Trick or Treating on Monday as well.  She would even correct people when they would guess what she was and get it wrong.  Maya was a cute little Lion while we were out and about.  Morgan learned this year that having a little sister totally helped bank more candy.  She would go up to a house and say all in one breath, "Trick or Treat, I need one for my baby sister too."  

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Morgan's 3 1/2 Birthday

Morgan some how is growing up...  I"m not sure where all the time went but she is now 3 1/2.
We celebrated the usual way with a cupcake.  We took her to a cupcake shop and she got to pick out her very own Double chocolate cupcake with lots of chocolate icing to top it off.  I have to say though the biggest measure for how much she has grown up is that she didn't dive in face first after the icing this year.  she actually eat the whole cup cake.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Maya 9 Months old

At 9 months Maya is crawling all over pulling things off shelves and out of cabinets and pretty much undoing all the cleaning that happens around here.  She loves food and makes quite a mess while eating (then again maybe she doesn't love food...) She is also getting very good at playing peek a boo and she loves to laugh at her crazy sister who runs around the house.  The main change this month is she has perfected her crawl and has picked up speed. She is also now pulling her self up on furniture.  Maya is truly a joy! Full of hugs and kisses.  Now if only she would learn that night time is for sleeping.