Thursday, September 22, 2011

8 months old!

Maya is 8 months old and getting into so much!  She crawls all over the house following her big sister around.  She has found her way in to many new places in our house.  Definitely time for those baby gates for the stairs and baby proofing! She is such a happy baby girl always smiling as if she has a secret.  
Sadly she did decide that she doesn't need sleep anymore so she's up 1/2 the night etc... but we're working on that.  
Not pictured but my favorite thing that she does right now is she chases a small soccer ball around the house: She gets a hold of it and then it pops out of her hands and she goes crawling after it.  I'm training her early! :) next stop world cup! (just kidding) 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Apple Picking 2011

Our annual apple picking trip could not have gone any better.  We had beautiful weather and actually made it there before most of the apples were picked.   Morgan had a Blast picking the apples and eating her weight in apples as well.  Maya rather enjoyed her self as well. I think biting the apples helped sooth her poor gums that have had several teeth coming in.  

After picking more apples then we knew what to do with we headed off to the Silo, our new favorite restaurant out near the orchard.  The girls love the toys they have there for them to play with and Steph loves the very large stuffed baked potatoes they serve.  Happy Girls!  Ben rather loves their food too but lets face it happy girls usually means happy Ben...