Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Visit to PA

Morgan and Hannah after going to Country Junction with Mimi and Pops 
While Ben was adventuring in Singapore we drove to PA.  It was fun spending time with family and watching Morgan once again play with her cousins.  Maya also learned how to crawl while we were there and grew 4 new teeth!  We made the best of our time there but didn't get out side as much as we'd like to with all the rain PA was getting at the time due to a hurricane and a tropical storm.  Though we did manage to get out and get the girls ears pierced.

Maya's strange look 
Best Nap ever! 

Morgan after getting her ears pierced  

Morgan, Daniel and Hannah down by the lake.  
Maya and Pops playing with a plastic lid, so fun! 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Attempt at a Garden

This year we decided to attempt a garden.  Much to our surprise things grew! We planed 6 pepper plants 4 tomato plants two lettus plants, two spinach plants, and a zucchini along with some herbs.  And yes, we put them all in the little rectangle in the back of our yard.  We were a little ambitious.   

Monday, August 22, 2011

7 months

Maya is 7 months old.  She is enjoying eating new mushed up foods and learning how to vocalize well.  She has some fun sing song like sounds that entertain us through out the day.   She is also very close to crawling.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Vacation Bible School

Morgan was able to go to Vacation Bible School this year.  She loved getting to play with the other kids and learning stories.  She came home and showed me some fun signs for, Scripture, Purpose, Disobedient and I think two others that I can't remember.  It was fun taking her to "school" every day and then hearing her stories about it after and learning about all her little friends.  
Morgan wearing the shield and crown she made